GT Parent Council

GT Parent Council will continue the Parent and Community information nights, with a focus on parenting intense and creative youth, developing and measuring leadership qualities, and supporting your student in developing meaningful goals.

Hosted at The Creamery Arts Center in Hotchkiss, presentations will begin at 6pm, with plenty of time for questions and sharing, ending at 8 pm. Please mark the following dates on your calendar.

Books for Parenting Gifted Students

A Parents Guide to Gifted Teens: Living with Intense and Creative Adolescents &

The Gifted Teens Survival Guide: Smart, Sharp and ready for (Almost) Anything

Are both available for checkout from Jodeen or your school Site Coordinator

SENG - Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted

Gifted children can be delightful yet challenging bundles of energy, ideas and emotions. Learn more about these unique needs and some great strategies to keep everyone working together. Visit here for more information and links to support your gifted student.

Parents need support, too!

Raising healthy and well-adjusted children can be a challenge, and gifted children have a whole set of extra characteristics. SENG is a non-profit organization dedicated to educating parents, teachers and students to meet their best potential. If you are interested in participating or organizing a structured SENG parent support group, please contact Jodeen Stephenson.

Click here to learn about online parent SENG support groups.

An Evening with Jim Delisle

Author of Parenting Gifted Children Invest about an hour to gain inspiration about working with your gifted child.

Click below to view Jim's presentation on Gifted and Teenage, Too for insights into parenting gifted teens.