How are gifted students in District 50J identified?

The District 50J identification process is aligned with state guidelines for identifying students eligible for gifted education and advanced learning services. These guidelines support the approach of looking at a variety of information for each student based on a “Body of Evidence.” This evidence will determine if a student needs programming beyond that offered in the regular classroom or curriculum. Gifted students usually fall within the top 3-7% of the general student population in terms of potential abilities.

The Body of Evidence

In building the Body of Evidence, evidence of exceptional ability is collected in four areas: aptitude, achievement, performance, and behavior. Evidence is examined against qualifying criteria. To be formally identified in District 50J, a student must qualify in at least two of the four areas. The four areas are listed below, along with possible data that may be collected in each. Tests listed by name are the ones most commonly used in the District.

• Aptitude: Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) • Achievement: Colorado Student Assessment Program (CSAP), at the 95th percentile and higher • Demonstrated Performance or Portfolio: portfolios, student products, contests and competitions, and/or performance tasks judged by experts in that field • Behaviors and Characteristics: as demonstrated and supported by GT guidelines. See Guidelines for further details: CDE Gifted Guidelines, Vol. I For short descriptions of the tests and instruments mentioned above, find the website for the publisher of the test by typing the name of the test into your search engine.